this is what i learned from this comic
its gonna be the gretest thing ever, even better then being the only man with a working dick at a retirement home for hooters girls and playboy bunnies
this is what i learned from this comic
its gonna be the gretest thing ever, even better then being the only man with a working dick at a retirement home for hooters girls and playboy bunnies
Hehe, thanks man. What a compliment. What about the only man working with a dick at a retirement home for hooters girls and playboy bunnies while reading the rest of this comic?
love the art style
seems like a mix of super jail and adventure time
thanks. two of my favorite shows
skrillex is great and so is all the random crap in the backround also if you hide his hand but see his arm it looks like his belly but wit the beally button really high and if you show the bottoms of the palm it looks like a wienie just a way to enhance the experience of looking at it
More than one way of looking at it, thanks for the review.
nice vocabulary
the fact that you said dongs made this hilarious and made me seamens all over my computer from laughing
I like your style.
anyone else have the wierdest boner right now?
it is normal to experience weirdness of boner when viewing this image
reminds me off something...
cant put my finger on it but got a say this gave me a semi-chub, very well done
Lol nice :P ........ I made it up from my head :P No doubt inspirations from somewhere spurred this from my visual bank :P
Joined on 8/9/11